Churches and chapels of Zagora | Pelion


Zagora, the largest of the villages of Pelios, was a pioneer in the cultivation of letters and the development of crafts, shipping and commerce.
The old Zagorian people were not only hardworking and progressive but also charitable and religious. Many became donors and benefactors of their homeland, allocating large sums of money for projects of general interest and for the studious young. Their faith in God, after all, is reflected in the churches of town and in the numerous chapels – old Micromonasra most-scattered in the area, from the sea to the peaks Hills above Zagora.
Most churches are built three centuries ago, and even earlier. During their long years of presence, from the blows of the elements and other causes, some chapels have been destroyed, but they have been repaired and all, almost, have lost more or less their original adornment.
For these sacred buildings there will be talk in this book. My aim is to give their current image, as I saw it from my personal visits and surveys, and secondly to quote as many historical elements as I could find from written sources, especially from the book of most Zagora – and not only – Apostolos Constantinides entitled "' ' The ones in the Pilos are old and modern Christian Monuments ' ', printed in Alexandria, Egypt in 1960 and whose few copies are found in some libraries.\

We, the Zagorians, owe a lot to the referenced scholar, because, apart from the other historical information contained in his numerous books on Zagora and Pelion in general, he recorded, if not all, the historical elements that he found in inscriptions , in images and pages of ecclesiastical books in the decade 1930 to 1940, when the chapels were in better condition and kept their utensils (icons, liturgical books, sacred utensils and even priestly vestments).

The unsub. Constantinides had the ability and patience not only to read the inscriptions but also to depict them faithfully in the pages of his book, as if he had photographed them. For this reason the above mentioned book was for me a valuable source of information. On the following pages, because it will be frequently referenced, I will write, briefly, only the initials of the name (A. K.) and the page number.
Many icons and other ecclesiastical items have been transported for safekeeping from the chapels to the parish churches. I could not see them all, because the priests and the Commissioners-not all of them-showed me a polite reticence, thinking that their disclosure would spur the predatory disposition of some unscrupulous looters. In order to prevent such cases, it is necessary to systematically record the ecclesiastical relics before they become the prey of the clergy. Already, I was very pleased to learn that our Eminence Metropolitan Ignatios, in collaboration with historical researchers of our prefecture, undertook the initiative for the collection, the detailed description and the protection of sacred objects, before they were lost Permanently.
Especially in Zagora, the need to become an ecclesiastical museum, where they will gather, will be sorted and exhibited in showcases all the sacred vessels, books, vestments of priests and other things that are stored in the parish temples, where they have simply been numbered . This will make it possible for the residents of the municipality and the numerous visitors of Zagora to enjoy them and admire them.


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Useful Phone Numbers

Volos Hospital-24213-51000
Volos Fire Service-24210-76850
Zagora Health Center-24260-22222
Kissos Regional Clinic-2426031210
Tsagarada Regional Clinic-2426049208
Portaria Regional Clinic-2421099106
Police Volos-24210-76995
Zagora Police-2426022529